Kita yang tinggal di Indonesia bisa dibilang lebih beruntung dari pada Durasi Waktu Puasa di Berbagai Belahan Dunia lainnya. Hal ini disebabkan posisi negara Indonesia yang berada pada garis khatulistiwa atau tengah-tengah bumi yang menjadikan durasi berpuasa di Indonesia sekitar 12 jam. Hal ini jauh lebih pendek dari pada di Eropa yang rata-rata memiliki durasi waktu puasa 15-16 jam. Berikut ini adalah Durasi Waktu Puasa di Berbagai Belahan Dunia :
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Antartika. Waktu sahur sekitar pukul 06.30 pagi dan waktu berbuka puasa sekitar pukul 15.48 sore hari.
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Indonesia. Waktu sahur sekitar pukul 4.00 pagi dan waktu berbuka puasa sekitar pukul 17.50 sore hari
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Saudi Arabia. Waktu sahur sekitar pukul 04.31 pagi dan waktu berbuka puasa sekitar pukul 19.01
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Australia Barat. Waktu sahur sekitar pukul 05.42 pagi dan waktu berbuka puasa sekitar pukul 17.41.
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Jepang. Waktu sahur sekitar pukul 03.11 pagi dan waktu berbuka puasa 18.47.
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Inggris. Waktu sahur sekitar pukul 02.45 dini hari dan waktu berbuka puasa pada pukul 20.50 malam.
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Amerika Serikat. Waktu sahur sekitar pukul 04.25 dan waktu berbuka puasa pada pukul 20.12.
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Provideniya, Rusia. Waktu sahur pukul 1.46 dan waktu berbuka puasa pukul 21.43 malam.
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Jerman. waktu sahur pukul 3 dini hari dan waktu berbuka puasa sekitar pukul 20.00 s.d 22.00 malam
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Swedia. Waktu sahur pukul 05.30 pagi dan waktu berbuka puasa sekitar pukul 15.30.
- Durasi Waktu Puasa di Belanda. Waktu sahur pukul 04.30 pagi dan waktu berbuka puasa 20.00.
Itulah beberapa Durasi Waktu Puasa di Belahan Dunia yang kami dapatkan dari berbagai sumber di internet. Dimanapun anda berada, apabila niat anda kuat dan teguh anda akan mampu melewati segala macam durasi waktu di berbagai belahan dunia. Sebelumnya kami juga telah membahas mengenai keutamaan bulan ramadhan dan juga download jadwal puasa 2011.
Fasting in Different Time duration Hemisphere – The duration and period of fasting in different parts of the world would have differences. This is due to the Earth in around the sun is not straight but tilted, so that within a certain time (March – September), negara2 in the northern hemisphere receives sunlight for longer than that in the south, and at other times (november – february) negara2 in the hemisphere Southern Earth receives sunlight for longer than that in the north).
We who live in Indonesia arguably more fortunate than on the Duration of Fasting Time on Various other Hemisphere. This is due to the position of the state of Indonesia which is at the equator or middle of the earth which makes the duration of fasting in Indonesia about 12 hours. It is much shorter than in Europe which have an average duration of 15-16 hours of fasting. Here is a time duration of Fasting in Different Hemisphere:
Time duration of fasting in Antarctica. When dawn at around 6:30 am and time to break fast at about 15:48 pm today.
Time duration of fasting in Indonesia. When dawn at around 4:00 am and time to break fast at about 17:50 pm today
Time duration of fasting in Saudi Arabia. When dawn at around 4:31 am and time to break fast at about 19:01
Time duration of fasting in Western Australia. When dawn at around 5:42 am and time to break the fast at around 17:41.
Time duration of fasting in Japan. When dawn at around 3:11 am and 18:47 time of iftar.
Time duration of fasting in Britain. When dawn at around 2:45 in the morning and time to break the fast at 20:50 o’clock at night.
Time duration of fasting in the United States. When dawn at about 4:25 and time to break the fast at 20:12.
Time duration of fasting in Provideniya, Russia. Meal time at 1:46 and 21:43 o’clock in the evening iftar.
Time duration of fasting in Germany. meal times at 3 in the morning and time to break fast at about 20:00 till 22:00 the night
Time duration of fasting in Sweden. Meal time at 5:30 am and time to break the fast at around 15:30.
Time duration of fasting in the Netherlands. Meal time at 4:30 am and 20:00 time of iftar.
Time duration of Fasting in Different Hemisphere
Those are some Fasting in Different Time Duration Hemisphere that we got from various sources on the internet. Wherever you are, if you are strong and steadfast intention you will be able to pass all kinds of duration of time in different parts of the world. Previously we have also discussed the primacy of the month and also download ramadan fasting schedule 2011. Durasi Waktu Puasa di Berbagai Belahan Dunia
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