PPC Iklan Blogger Indonesia

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

FresnoCountyCities.com FresnoCountyCities.com

Project Overview: This project is a local web application that provides city managers and real estate brokers a self-service system to enter commercial real estate properties that are available for sale or lease in or around Fresno County.
Project Participation: We were commissioned by our existing client Fresno EDC to revamp a Joomla implementation of one of their brand: FresnoCountyCities.com (FCC). FCC is a web-based application for city managers and site brokers used to list industrial properties that are available for sale and/or lease. Companies who are interested in establishing their businesses in Fresno County visits the website and peruse the listing.

Because it is a revamp, the budget was a bit tight. To make the project happen, we integrated the FCC brand into the existing Controlcamp account of FresnoEDC. This allows the staff to manage multiple brands under one account and one content management system (CMS).

With the revamp, we created multiple web applications that users could add/edit themselves so that the Fresno EDC staff members do not have to worry about content on a daily basis. The authentication system (secure zone) is also self-service where users could register and start entering site properties immediately.

Technical Aspect: Controlcamp CMS integration, secure zone for brokers and city managers, search engine optimized code and site map, template-based design, ad rotators on header, web applications for site properties and city information.


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